Ord­li­con is free, open sour­ce, and GPL fri­end­ly. You can use it for com­mer­ci­al pro­jects, open sour­ce pro­jects, or re­al­ly al­most wha­t­e­ver you want. You may dow­n­load ord­li­con for free from https://github.com/ord­li­con/or... and use it in any legal per­so­nal, or­ga­ni­za­ti­o­nal or com­mer­ci­al pro­ject.

All icons are li­cen­sed under the CC BY 4.0 li­cen­se. The SIL OLF li­cen­se ap­p­lies to the font files only. For all the non-font and non-icon files come with ord­li­con dow­n­loads, the MIT li­cen­se is ap­p­li­ca­ble.


At­tri­bu­ti­on is re­qui­red by CC BY, SIL OLF, and MIT li­cen­ses. Dow­n­loa­ded ord­li­con files con­tain em­bed­ded com­ments with ne­ces­sa­ry at­tri­bu­ti­on. While using these files nor­mal­ly, you shouldn't need to do any­thing ad­di­ti­o­nal to pro­vi­de at­tri­bu­ti­on. It is al­ways ap­pre­cia­ted if you cre­dit ord­li­con with our web­si­te ad­dress (ste­fan degen.me) on your pro­ject so that vi­si­tors/users can know about ord­li­con at their first visit/use.

Brand Icons

The brand logos or icons used in ord­li­con pro­ject are tra­de­marks owned by the re­spec­ti­ve en­ti­ties. ord­li­con does­n’t en­dor­se them or isn’t en­dor­sed by them with these icons. You are not per­mit­ted to use any of the brand icons in an in­ap­pro­pri­a­te/mis­lea­ding way.

ord­li­con au­t­ho­ri­ty re­ser­ves the right to change or mo­dify the above li­cen­se terms any time wi­thout any prior no­ti­ce.


The icons of Ord­li­con are an in­de­pen­dent de­ve­lop­ment. But for the struc­ture and the code we used the de­ve­lop­ment of Font Awe­so­me Free - the tag FA be­ca­me OI. Thanks for that to Font Awe­so­me Free (https://fon­tawe­so­me.com).


The soft­ware is pro­vi­ded «as is», wi­thout any kind of war­ran­ty. The ord­li­con au­t­ho­ri­ty will not be li­a­ble for any type of claim, li­a­bi­li­ty or da­ma­ge.
The ord­li­con au­t­ho­ri­ty re­ser­ves the right to change or mo­dify the above li­cen­se terms at any time wi­thout any prior no­ti­ce.

These terms were last mo­di­fied on Ja­nu­a­ry 1, 2023